Wellbeing at Work

Why is Wellbeing needed in the Workplace?

Wellbeing is an area that has progressively become important in the workplace; and it is 100% important for people to have overall wellbeing, so they can function more efficiently and effectively at work. If we are too tired, or stressed, or run down, or feel out of our depth, or judged, or we are failing to get along with others at work, then overall life can be challenging.

We spend many hours at work, so this means that the working environment needs to facilitate overall wellbeing – also because this leads to a happier, more productive working life. It can be challenging for many homeworkers balancing family and work commitments, and for those working in larger organisations it is the long hours, manic commutes and internal politics that all play large roles in compromising overall health and wellbeing.

More about Corporate Yoga…

One of the biggest issues in the world of business is that of stress, which can lead to low morale, low self esteem, sluggishness, low productivity, lack of concentration and a breakdown in communication, not to mention compromising wellbeing and health… all key elements required to function well at work.

To operate a business holistically means to ensure that every base is covered and that there is a balance with your home and work life too…

Corporate Yoga is becoming more and more popular, as employers and businesspeople see the huge benefit in regular sessions for themselves and for their employees and team members; these benefits of Corporate Yoga include:

  • Improved ability to concentrate and to focus,
  • Improved positive mind set, and clarity with decision making,
  • Improved physical mobility, circulation, and overall fitness,
  • Improved posture,
  • Increased confidence and self belief,
  • Decreased stress levels,
  • Increased immune system,
  • Increased self awareness and body awareness,
  • Improved ability to detach from distractions, and to prioritise,
  • Improved ability to relax and to calm,
  • Increased productivity,
  • Increased enjoyment with work and life in general,

I have trained in Vinyasa Flow (Level 1 285-hour), with Heather Agnew of Yoga Trinity, Australia, and having taught yoga, Body Balance (qualified) and other fitness (qualified group studio instructor) in many of Canberra’s reputable gyms, as well as corporate classes, school yoga, and individual/small group, private classes. I have also taught in Texas, USA, and in the UK, including athletes. I continue to learn about yoga, including breathing techniques and guided relaxation, and I write for international yoga publications, including Om Yoga Magazine.

Need motivation? Check out Jordan’s article on The Shaker: Ten Top Tips on Motivation

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